Friday, 23 August 2013

Electric Picnic 2012 Revisited (mostly nostalgia with some festival tips!)

With the impending 10th Anniversary of Electric Picnic, I would like to take this opportunity to recall Aisling and I's adventure last year and offer any fun ideas or tips for those (lucky lucky) people going this year! 

Everybody's gotta have their tent! My advice would be to get a tent that you've either practiced putting up already or one you know is simple to assemble. During one rainy night before the festival, we tried and failed miserably to set up a lovely, spacious 6-person got the better of us and we switched to a much more manageable 2-person model. Also, it's a good idea to set up and find a space in the campsite as soon as you get there. Believe me, you may not be in any condition to navigate your way through tent instructions after spending the day at a festival! 

To quote one of my favourite musicals 'Hair', 'flow it, show it'...your hair styling skills that is...Experiment! On the first day, I washed mine in the morning and put it in two french plaits and held them in place on my head with a festival-favourite-flower-garland. As I had my hair up all of Day One, this meant I could take it out and let the waves be free! Day Three consisted of dry shampoo, lots and lots and lots and lots of dry shampoo and praying. But to be honest, basically everybody's in the same unwashed boat by the third day so just go with the crazy fro flow! 

Along with having amazing music arenas, EP also boasts a brilliant 'Body & Soul' area. Whether yoga or simply chilling the camp-fire is your thing, it's got something for everybody. After long nights of jumping around, screaming until your lungs give out or dancing to random reggae, this was mine and Aisling's haven after getting our morning smoothie. If you're looking for a little lying-down/recuperation-time, check out the chimes area! 

There's also a super-chilled stage filled throughout the day with emerging acts. 
Along with a must-have list that I will include at the end, here's some things Aisling and I did and would recommend to any EP-goers this year....

Ok now the fun part's over, here's some more practical items: 

1. Toilet paper and antibacterial gel/wipes. You will thank me. 
2. Tiger balm/deep heat. Dancing/camping can cause severely sore bodies. 
3. Painkillers - same reason as above. 
4. Earplugs - if you want any sleep at all. 
5. Suncream - even if there's nothing but rain forecast. 
6. Snacks - festival food can be expensive.
7. Drink - festival drink can be too. 
8. Warm clothes for cold nights. 
9. Bum bag/money holder - mind your stuff during the day. 
10. Old phone - they have charging phone areas there but they charge you and it works better to bring an old phone that you wouldn't care to lose. 
11. Torch - for those fun-finding-the-tent-in-the-dead-of-night-times. 
12. Some sort of marker for your tent - they all look the same otherwise.
13. Babywipes - your showers for the weekend. 
14. Toothbrush/mouthwash

Have fun, be safe, make new friends, get lost in the music, wander around with a friend for hours, eat some falafel! 

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