Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The charity-shop shopping day of Kate and Hazel was a go go! Yesterday, Hazey Baby and I met up with the sole mission of finding awesome clothes for teeny tiny prices and kicking the asses of the fashion world with our finds! Our motto: "Look the best for the best price!" Okay, we gotta work on that sometime...

Hazel brought me to Rathmines, Dublin which in my eyes seemed a treasure trove of charity shops just waiting to be visited and ransacked! We found some wonderful stuff on our travels to approx. 5 charity shops including Oxfam and St. Vincent de Paul. Sometimes, the things you find are just unbelievable! Hazel's red jacket here is from Urban Outfitters and she got it at a steal of 8yo-yo's compared to the original 160! Her black Banana Republic blazer is a great find that is very versatile as it can be dressed up or down. The navy cardigan with yellow stripes came in at just 2euro! Another comfy college favourite! 

My own endeavors were extremely successful too. This suede, burgundy Topshop skirt was merely 4euro and it fits like a dream! The shape is something I wouldn't normally go for but I'm at a stage of trying to expand my fashion horizons! Criss-cross patterns are subtly worked into the sides and top, giving it its great shape and structure.

My obsession with shirts is probably unrivaled right now. They're just so damn versatile! These two beauties came in at a combined price of €8. The patterned cream shirt is quite sheer and casual so it'll be great for college but I also love the deep red shirt as the silky fabric makes it that bit more special. Roll on college for us to show off our charity shop finds! 

Special Thanks to Hazel and Lára for being my shopping buddies this week and hopefully, they'll become more regular collaborators! 

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